Fuzzy Fun Facts For Finals
Finals week can be stressful, draining, and time consuming for many. At Seawolf Living, we wanted you to take a few moments and smile, so we’ve compiled a list of silly animal fun facts that you probably didn’t know! Here are some fun facts for finals!
When a male penguin wants to mate for life, they offer the female penguin a pebble.
Quokkas are also known as “the happiest animal in the world.”
There’s a 191 year old tortoise. His name is Jonathon.
Squirrels often forget where they bury their nuts.
Otters hold hands when they float.
Crows bring familiar people presents.
Norway knighted a penguin named Nils Olav.
Sloths mistake their limbs for tree branches, so when they grab onto their own limbs, they fall out of trees.
Bees vote for a new hive by dancing and it’s called a “waggle dance”
Octopus make their own gardens at the bottom of the ocean.
Do YOU have any favorite animal fun facts? Let us know in the comments. Thanks for following our blogs this semester, and we’ll see you next semester for more fun blogs. Have a great winter break, friends!!! :)